Cookie and Privacy Policy


Pr. May 25, 2018, we must comply with the EU Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). We have updated our data protection policy to include more information about how Dansk Varmekabel A / S hereafter (DVK) protects your personal data, including how you can exercise your rights to your data. See below for the updated data protection policy.

Owner information
Dansk Varmekabel A/S
Lundagervej 102
DK 8722  Hedensted
Tel.: +45 76 75 80 30

What are cookies?

A cookie is a small text file that is stored on your computer or. similarly in order to recognize it. There is no personal information stored in our cookies and they cannot contain viruses.
Sådan sletter eller blokerer du for cookie


This privacy policy describes the personal information that is collected or generated (processed) when you use Dansk Varmekabel A / S’s (hereinafter DVK) website (“Site”) and DVK’s mobile applications (“App”). It also explains how your personal information is used, shared and protected, as well as your choices regarding your personal information and how you can contact us. 


DVK responsible for the processing of your personal data to the extent that you interact with DVK’s Website and App. DVK is referred to as “DVK”, “our”, “we” or “us” in this Privacy Policy.

WHAT personal information do we collect and WHEN?

We ask for certain personal information to provide the desired products and services. For example, if you make purchases, contact our customer service, wish to receive inquiries, create an account, participate in our events or contests, use our Website or App.

This personal information includes your:

  • kontaktoplysninger, herunder navn, e-mailadresse, telefonnummer samt forsendelses- og faktureringsadresse
  • Login- og kontooplysninger, herunder brugernavn, adgangskode og personligt bruger-id
  • Personlige oplysninger, herunder køn, hjemby, fødselsdato og købshistorik
  • Betalings- eller kreditkortoplysninge kan være billeder, fotografier og videoer
  • Oplysninger, som du har givet eller genereret via vores Websites eller Apps, personlige indstillinger, herunder din ønskeliste samt markedsførings- og cookieindstillinger.

Vi samler supplerende personoplysninger fra dig til at aktivere konkrete funktioner på vores Websites og Apps.  Når du interagerer med vores Websites og Apps, indsamles bestemte oplysninger automatisk fra din enhed eller internetbrowser.   Du finder flere oplysninger om denne praksis i afsnittet “Cookies og pixel tags” nedenfor i denne privatlivspolitik. 

Disse oplysninger omfatter:

enheds-id, opkaldsstatus, netværksadgang, lagringsoplysninger, cookies, ip-adresser, henvisningshoveder, oplysninger til identificering af din internetbrowser og -version samt web beacons og tags.

VÆRKTØJER til håndtering af de personoplysninger vi indsamler:

Når du bruger vores Apps og Sites adviserer vi i god tid eller indhenter tilladelse til bestemte handlinger. For eksempel beder vi om dit samtykke til at bruge din lokation eller sende push-beskeder. Vi indhenter dette samtykke gennem Apps eller Sites eller generelle tilladelser på din enhed. Din internetbrowser eller mobilenhedens platform tilbyder ofte supplerende værktøjer, som giver dig mulighed for at styre, hvornår din enhed indsamler og deler konkrete kategorier af persondata.  Din mobilenhed eller internetbrowser kan fx tilbyde værktøjer, som giver dig mulighed for at ændre indstillingerne for brug af cookies eller lokalitetsdeling.  Vi anbefaler, at du gør dig bekendt med og bruger værktøjerne på din enhed.

WHY and HOW do we use your personal information?

We use your personal information in the following ways:

To provide the desired features of our Website, App and Services. When you use our Website and App, we use your personal information to provide the selected goods and services. For example, if you make a purchase on DVK or participate in an event or campaign, we will use the contact information you provide us to communicate with you about the purchase, event or campaign. If you contact our customer service, we will use information about you, such as delivery or payment information, or the product you purchased to solve your problem or answer your question. 

In order to use certain features of our Site and App, it is often necessary that you provide DVK with additional information or consent to use specific information in a particular way. In order to share social media content, you may also need to provide your social media user information to sign in.

Til kommunikation vedrørende vores varer, tjenester, begivenheder og til anden markedsføring:

Hvis du giver din tilladelse, vil vi sende dig markedsføringsinformation og nyheder omkring DVK’s produkter, services, events og andre kampagner. Du kan når som helst fravælge en tilladelse du har givet. Hvis du allerede er kunde hos DVK (hvis du fx har afgivet en bestilling hos os), kan vi bruge de kontaktoplysninger, som du har oplyst, til at sende markedsføringsmateriale om DVK’s lignende varer eller tjenester (hvis det er tilladt i henhold til national lov), medmindre du har fravalgt at modtage materiale fra os.

I andre tilfælde beder vi om dit samtykke til at sende dig markedsføringsmateriale. Vi kan bruge de oplysninger, som du giver os, og oplysninger fra DVK’s andre varer eller tjenester, som fx din brug af DVK’s Website og App, dine besøg eller køb foretaget direkte hos os, din deltagelse i DVK’s begivenheder og konkurrencer, til at skræddersy henvendelser om varer og tjenester, som du kunne være interesseret i. 

Til at drive, forbedre og vedligeholde vores virksomhed, varer og tjenester: 

We use the personal information you provide to us to operate our business. For example, when you make a purchase, we use personal information for accounting, auditing and other internal functions. We may also use personal information on how to use our goods and services, to improve your user experience and to help us diagnose technical and operational issues and to administer our Website and App. 

Til at beskytte vores og andres rettigheder, ejendom og sikkerhed: 

We also use your personal information on how you use our Website and Apps to prevent or detect fraud, abuse, unlawful use, violation of our Terms of Use and to comply with orders, regulatory requirements and applicable law. 

Til generelle undersøgelser og analyser: 

We use information about how our visitors use our Website, App and services to understand customer behavior and preferences. For example, we use information on how visitors to DVKm search for and find items to better identify the best way to organize and present the product offering in our web store.  

Andre formål:

We may also use your personal information in other ways, and we will notify you specifically of the time of collection and obtain your consent if necessary.

Juridiske bestemmelser:

In order to process your personal data, we must comply with certain legal requirements, depending on how you use our Sites and Apps. When you purchase DVK products from our Sites and Apps, we will use your personal data to fulfill our agreement with you. For example, we need your payment and contact details to deliver your order. When using our Apps, we need your permission for processing and certain limited purposes to fulfill our agreement with you. (e.g., for purchases through Apps). We also have to comply with other legal provisions such as our legitimate interest as a company to fulfill a legal obligation or protect your vital interests.

We also have to comply with other legal provisions such as our legitimate interest as a company to fulfill a legal obligation or protect your vital interests.


DVK’s division

DVK shares your personal information with:

DVK’s devices for the purposes and conditions set forth above third-party providers that process personal data on behalf of DVK, such as processing credit cards and payments, shipping and delivery, hosting, handling and maintaining our information, distribution of e-mails, surveys and analyzes, handling of brand and product marketing and administration of certain services and features. By using third-party services, we enter into agreements that require them to implement appropriate technical and organizational measures to protect your personal data. 

Other third parties, to the extent necessary to (1) comply with governmental requirements, orders or applicable law, (2) prevent the illegal use of our Website and App, or violations of our Website and App Terms of Use and policies, (3) defend us against third party claims and (4) provide assistance in the prevention or investigation of fraud (e.g., counterfeiting) any other third party in which you have given permission

Vi kan også overføre de personoplysninger, som vi har om dig, hvis vi sælger eller overdrager hele eller dele af vores virksomhed eller aktiver (herunder i tilfælde af omstrukturering, ophørsspaltning, opløsning eller likvidation).


Kryptering & sikkerhed: 

We use a variety of technical and organizational security measures, including encryption and verification tools, to ensure the security of your personal information.

International overførsel af dine personoplysninger:

The personal information that we collect or process in connection with our Site and App is stored on our own server as well as a copy thereof with a partner. Some of the recipients of information with which DVK shares your personal information may be located in other countries. The laws in these countries may not provide the same level of protection for personal data as the country where you originally provided your information. However, when we transfer your personal data to recipients in other countries, we still protect this personal data in accordance with this Privacy Policy and in accordance with applicable law. 

We take measures to ensure compliance with applicable legal requirements when transferring personal data to recipients in countries outside the EEA or Switzerland that do not provide a sufficiently high level of data protection. We use various measures to ensure that your personal data transferred to these countries is appropriately protected in accordance with data protection rules. This includes adhering to EU standard terms, confirming that the recipient has approved the Binding Business Rules and complies with the Privacy Shield Framework.

If personal data is transferred within DVK, we use a group-wide data transfer agreement.

Opbevaring af dine oplysninger: 

We will keep your personal data for as long as necessary to fulfill the purpose of its collection as set forth in this Privacy Policy (unless a longer retention period is required by law). In general, this means that we keep your personal information as long as you keep your DVK account. For personal information in connection with the purchase of goods, we store this information longer to comply with legal obligations (such as tax and purchase law provisions for warranty purposes).


You have the right to request (1) access to your personal data, (2) an electronic copy of your personal data (3) correcting your personal data if they are incomplete or incorrect, or (4) deleting or limiting your personal data under certain circumstances under the applicable legal provisions. These rights are not absolute. If we have obtained your consent to process your personal data, you have the right to withdraw your consent at any time.

If you would like a copy of your personal data or exercise any of your other rights, please contact us at the contact details in the “Questions and Feedback” section below. 

Fravalg af direkte markedsføring: 

If you have a DVK account, you can opt out of marketing emails from DVK by contacting us on the contact details in the “Questions and Feedback” section below. 

COOKIES and pixel tags

DVK collects information, which may include personal information, from your browser when you use our website. We use a variety of methods, such as cookies and pixel tags, to collect the information, which may include (1) ip address, (2) personal cookie identifier, cookie information, and information about whether your device has software that can access certain features, (3) personal device identifier and device type, (4) domain, browser type and language, (5) operating system and system settings, (6) country and time zone, (7) previously visited websites, (8) information about your interaction with our Websites, such as click behavior, purchase and settings, as well as (9) access time and reference URLs.

Third parties may also collect information through Websites using cookies, third-party plugins and widgets. These third parties collect the information directly from your Internet browser and the processing of the information is subject to their own privacy policy.

Vi bruger cookies og pixel tags til at følge vores kunders brug af vores website og til at forstå vores kunders indstillinger (som fx lande- og sprogvalg). Dette giver os mulighed for at levere ydelser til vores kunder og forbedre deres onlineoplevelse. Vi bruger også cookies og pixel tags til at indhente generelle oplysninger om websitetrafik og websiteinteraktion og til at identificere tendenser og indsamle statistikker, så vi kan forbedre vores Site.Vi bruger som udgangspunkt tre kategorier af cookies på vores Sites:


  • Functional: These cookies are necessary for the basic functionality of the Website and are therefore always enabled. Functional cookies mean that you will be remembered as you browse our Sites in a single session or from time to time if you wish. They make the shopping cart and payment process possible and help with security issues and regulatory compliance.
  • Performance: Performance cookies allow us to improve the functionality of our Site by following its use. In some cases, these cookies improve our processing time in response to your request and allow us to remember your website settings. Disabling performance cookies may degrade tailor-made recommendations and website performance.
  • Social Media and Ads: Social media integration cookies allow you to connect to your social networks and share content from our Sites via social media. Marketing (third-party) cookies collect information that helps tailor ads to your interests, both on and off our Sites. In some cases, these cookies involve the processing of your personal data. Disabling marketing cookies may cause you to see ads that are not as relevant to you, or that you cannot properly connect to Facebook, Twitter and other social media, and / or that you cannot share social media content.

You can always change your settings by going to “Cookie settings” at the bottom of each page of our Sites.

If you want a comprehensive and up-to-date overview of every third party who accesses your Internet browser (via DVK’s Site or otherwise), we recommend that you install a plugin for your Internet browser that is designed for that purpose. You can also choose to have your computer warn you every time a cookie is sent, or you can disable all cookies. You can do this in the Internet settings on each of your browsers and devices. All browsers are slightly different, so check your browser’s help to find the right way to change your cookie settings. Disabling cookies may result in you not having access to any of the features that make our Site and App more efficient, and some of our services will not function properly.

USE of DVK’s Site and App with Third Party Products and Services 

Our Sites and Apps allow you to interact with a host of other digital products and services. For example, our Site and App can be integrated with third-party devices to follow your social network and other digital services. 

If you choose to link your DVK account with a third party device or account, your privacy rights on third party platforms are governed by their respective policies. For example, if you choose to share your DVK interaction on a third party’s social media platforms, the information contained there is subject to the policies of those platforms. 

Our Site and App may, for convenience or for information, link to other (third party) websites and (third party) apps. Sites and apps linked to are subject to their own privacy notices or policies, which we strongly recommend you read. If we do not own or control any linked sites or apps, we are not responsible for their content, use of the websites or apps, or their privacy practices


Current legislation and our practices change over time. If we decide to update our privacy policy, we will post the changes on our Site and in our App. If we substantially change our way of processing your personal information, we will give you prior notice or, if required by law, request your consent before implementing the changes. We strongly recommend that you read our privacy policy and stay abreast of our practices on our website. Our Privacy Policy was last changed in March 2018.

QUESTIONS and feedback
We are happy to receive questions, comments, and concerns regarding our Privacy Policy and Privacy Policy. If you would like to provide us feedback or have any questions or concerns, or if you wish to exercise your rights regarding your personal information, please contact Customer Service or our Data Protection Officer at our Privacy Office at:

Dansk Varmekabel A / S, 8722 Hedensted – +45 7675 8030

You are also welcome to send us an email at

If you contact us with a privacy complaint, we will evaluate it for the purpose of resolving the issue effectively and in a timely manner. You also have the right to file a complaint with the relevant supervisory authority in your country of residence. 

Reservations are made for printing errors, price changes, sold out and discontinued goods as well as changed specifications for the products

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